What is a dietitian?

Dietitians are qualified and regulated health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems at an individual and wider public-health level.

What do dietitians do?

Latest news

The BDA calls for an urgent update of NICE guidance for the management of type 2 diabetes in adults

The BDA has written to NICE to request an urgent update of the dietary advice section of guideline NG28.

The BDA responds to shock NHS England announcement

Last week the Prime Minister announced plans to abolish NHS England, to bring management of the NHS "back into democratic control". We are acutely aware that this has been an unsettling few days for those members working within NHSE.

Dietetics leads potential new treatment for Crohn’s disease

The first clinical trial to test the link between food additive emulsifiers and Crohn’s disease has revealed that a low emulsifier diet could be an effective new treatment.

How Work Ready transformed workplace nutrition for 1,500 factory workers

Over three years and 16 sites, Work Ready dietitian Alison Clark delivered interactive food demonstrations, evidence-based nutrition advice, and healthy snack alternatives to 1,500 factory workers, many of whom had never engaged with workplace nutrition before.

PERT shortage intensifies and members continue to fight for action

The Clinical Lead (pancreas) for the BDA’s Gastroenterology Specialist Group, Mary Phillips, has written to the Prime Minister requesting an urgent meeting with the Secretary of State for Health to discuss options for alleviating the PERT shortage.

Strategic Vision: New AHP Public Health Strategic Framework

Celebrate the achievements of AHPs in public health and discover the vision for the next five years.

The latest on pay for 2024/25 for dietitians working within Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Department of Health has finally accepted the Pay Review Bodies recommendations on pay for HSC staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions for 2024/25.

Over 40% of GB adults aren’t prioritising their future health

It’s easy to live for today and have a short-term mindset when it comes to health. But, as research reveals weight as the top health priority for Brits in 2025, dietitians say it’s time long-term health and wellbeing were prioritised instead

The BDA responds to the Scottish Budget 2025-26

BDA Scotland Policy and Campaigns Officer Rhianna Mallia analyses the Scottish Budget 2025-26.


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Latest articles

Adult ADHD – not ‘ just a trend’

Rebecca Guerin highlights the need for dietitians to understand attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Could butter and bacon be ‘health foods'?

Dr Linia Patel explores the latest evidence around ketogenic diets and provides practical insights for dietitians looking to incorporate them into their practice.

Why food is so much more than just fuel

Member Kirsten Jackson explores the importance of sharing a meal together, not only as something that is deeply rooted in many cultures and religions but something that connects us and can be beneficial to physical and mental health.

Small steps to eat, drink and age well

We’ve partnered with BDA Corporate Member Wiltshire Farm Foods to explore the challenges people may face when trying to eat and drink well as they get older.

Supporting families in anorexia nervosa

Danielle O’Regan looks at the role of the dietitian within family therapy for anorexia nervosa.

Don’t let the ‘eating’ in eating disorders be forgotten

Australian eating disorders dietitian and researcher Dr Caitlin McMaster reflects on the importance of dietitians in filling research gaps in the area.

Management of gout

Anna Pettit looks at the causes, symptoms and management of this painful form of chronic inflammatory arthritis.

Should we be recommending fermented foods?

Lucy Kerrison looks at the science behind the link between fermented foods and gut health.

Influencing positive and progressive change - My experience volunteering as a member of the dietetic support workforce

Sam McConkey shares his experience since joining the BDA’s Northern Ireland Board.